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Find these artists and many more at the Chocolate Factory Open Studios, 15th and 16th November 2014

Jane Roberts : Patrons Portrait
All the way back in Quarter number one, we were pleased to introduce Jane Roberts, the fortunate winner of our 2012 Open Studios competition, and proud recipient of an exclusive portrait from ... READ MORE
PramDepot: Karen Lois Whiteread
It was from the goodness of her heart, and her artistic flare that lead Karen Lois Whiteread to start her new charity project. PramDepot is an arts-lead installation that explores donation, ... READ MORE
Crouch End Open Studios
2014 marks the 10th running of Crouch End Open Studios, an event that has grown into an important date in Haringey’s artistic calendar. This year, 30 artists will be showing their work at venues ... READ MORE

The Chocolate Factories in Wood Green, London N22, are a landmark development and hub of excellence for the creative industries in the UK.

The project started in 1996 when Collage Arts, an arts development agency, moved into the Chocolate Factory on Clarendon Road and converted several derelict floors of the Factory into artist studios.

What followed was a high demand for creative space and in 2002, Collage Arts renovated Chocolate Factory 2 on Coburg Road, next door.

Visit our studios page to see available spaces at the Chocolate Factory read more