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Selection Box @ Karamel
As well as being Chocolate Factory 2’s number one destination for lunches and coffees, Karamel also houses Selection Box; the Chocolate Factory Artists shop. Featuring a variety of products, from bespoke home and garden ware to luxurious, hand-crafted jewellery and handbags, and at prices ranging from £1 to £250, Selection Box @ Karamel might be the perfect place to pick up a gift, or even treat yourself to something wonderful. Among the works available, there are textiles and ceramics from Collective 306; a charity working with people recovering from mental illness, stylish leather goods from Natthakur, a whole host of prints and original photographs, sculptures, trinkets, and a great deal more.
The restaurant and shop are both open Monday to Saturday, 8am-3pm

The Chocolate Factory Artists Online Shop is coming soon.

N22 Open Studios

The Chocolate Factories in Wood Green, London N22, are a landmark development and hub of excellence for the creative industries in the UK.

The project started in 1996 when Collage Arts, an arts development agency, moved into the Chocolate Factory on Clarendon Road and converted several derelict floors of the factory into artist studios.

What followed was a high demand for creative space and in 2002, Collage Arts renovated Chocolate Factory 2 on Coburg Road, next door.
Visit our studios page to see available spaces at the Chocolate Factory read more