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Mujhe Pehechano
The IMA Foundation in conjunction with Collage Arts presents Ghanshyam Gupta and Ratan Krishna Saha.

Curated by Radha Binod Sharma and Manoj Ambasna.

Commencing this year’s series of exhibitions at Karamel, Collage Arts and IMA Foundation are delighted to introduce the selected works of Ratan Krishna Saha and Ghanshyam Gupta. Here Gupta’s paintings, a mixture of vibrant pointillist textures and mesmerising chakra, blend perfectly with Saha’s sculptures, lovingly and intricately cast in bronze and brass. Each set of works explores worship in its own way, either through the meditative act of creating, or vivid and traditional religious imagery. Freed from the confines of their respective doctrines, The Buddha sits serenely next to Christ in his crucifixion pose; both gazing down on the shining contours of Nandi the Bull, faithful servant of the god Shiva. These potent symbols recall the splendour and enchantment of classical Indian mythology, but brought to light in a modern, global context where cultures and faiths blend to produce truly dynamic works of art.

The name of the exhibition, Mujhe Pehechano (in English; “You Should Know Me…”) ambiguously hints at the nature of the display, suggesting a collection that seems somehow familiar, despite its relative newness to these shores. In each artist’s work also there is an obvious devotion to exploring the subject matter and perfecting the craft, or in essence, ‘knowing’ how and what to create. This makes for a deceptively simple, yet immediately engaging show, thoughtful yet eye-catching, iconic, yet refreshingly unique.

The Chocolate Factories in Wood Green, London N22, are a landmark development and hub of excellence for the creative industries in the UK.

The project started in 1996 when Collage Arts, an arts development agency, moved into the Chocolate Factory on Clarendon Road and converted several derelict floors of the factory into artist studios.

What followed was a high demand for creative space and in 2002, Collage Arts renovated Chocolate Factory 2 on Coburg Road, next door.
Visit our studios page to see available spaces at the Chocolate Factory read more